Transformational Packages 

It is my intention to give you a coaching experience that will make a lasting transformational impact on your life. Everyone is different, everyone processes information and change differently and I want to offer you a choice that works for you.

Currently, I run two individual Transformational programmes, as per below.

NOTE: To receive a proposal for a Leadership programme, please contact me directly as these are tailor-made depending on your and your team’s needs. Thank you. 


A coaching experience focused on what is asking to be heard.

You might feel something is rather off but can’t quite put your finger on what it is. Or you know what it is but you are scared to face it. Maybe you have a goal you want to achieve but before you start acting, you would like stop and feel what is the right thing to do.

It’s Time To Listen is designed to give you space and time to feel into your current state of being.

We often rush from one thing to another, doing, doing, doing. That’s just how today’s society is structured. But in all that doing and listening to what we should and must do, we often forget to stop and listen to what we WANT to do.



  • give you clarity about your current situation (whether it’s your career, relationships, relationship with yourself, boundaries, overthinking, perfectionism, expectations, etc.);
  • identify the issue you are facing / goal you are working on;
  • uncover any hidden feelings and emotions that might be keeping you stuck in a certain place;
  • explore your current beliefs, thought patterns and habits;
  • release any possible anxiety or stress around your current situation;
  • bring peace to your inner world;
  • help you identify what you would like to do next.

I’ve got you. 



A coaching experience focused on what is asking to be heard and acting on it.

It’s Time To Act covers the initial discovery phase we uncover in our three-months programme PLUS we take things that much further by taking concrete actions towards your goal.



  • give you clarity about your current situation (whether it’s your career, relationships, relationship with yourself, boundaries, overthinking, perfectionism, expectations, etc.);
  • identify the issue you are facing / goal you are working on;
  • uncover any hidden feelings and emotions that might be keeping you stuck in a certain place;
  • explore your current beliefs, thought patterns and habits;
  • release any possible anxiety or stress around your current situation;
  • bring peace to your inner world;
  • help you identify what you would like to do next;


  • act on those identified next steps;
  • put things in motion;
  • keep you accountable on your progress;
  • help you stay committed if you hit a brick wall and things get uncomfortable;
  • transform your life.

You’re not alone. 


First of all, thank you for choosing to connect with me. It is my genuine desire to support you on your journey and help you find equilibrium and reach your goal.

We will start with the initial conversation to see if we are a good match and I am the right Coach for you. The initial conversation is free, without any commitment and is not limited by time, we will take as short or as long as you need.

If you decide you would like to go ahead with one of the programmes (three or six months), we will agree on the days that suit your schedule and block the date and time of our first coaching session.

To book your initial conversation, you can either make your booking HERE or send me an e-mail to [email protected].