Who do you need to BE to achieve your 2023 goals?
Join us for a one-day workshop on
15th July 2023
Arnewood Manor, New Forest
9.30am – 4.00pm
including lunch / afternoon snacks and coffee / tea
Clock’s ticking. Six months to go before we wave goodbye to this year.
It’s little bonkers if you ask us. Where does the time go?
But panic not.
Instead, let’s refocus on what we can and can’t control and make sure that we are clear on who do we need to BE to walk into 2024 feeling like we used the time and energy we had wisely.
So what is it that you want?
Take a breath.
Remember what it is that you are creating.
And let’s get really clear, shall we?
So often we lose the sight of what we want to create. We get stuck in the rhythm of an everyday life and we forget.
Let’s refocus and check in with ourselves.
Not with the world around us. Not with the inner critic in our head. Not social media fantasy land.
Let’s check in with our internal thermostat and feel into what needs to be dialed up or down in order to set just the right internal temperature that will keep us aligned with our goal.
It’s not really about what and how
It’s about WHO!
Do you sometimes get stuck in the long to-do lists, procrastinating over the most difficult items leaving them on the bottom of the pile?
Our brain loves checking the easy things off the list. It gives us a sense of being productive.
And leaving the real needle shifting actions untouched.
Sometimes the most difficult thing is to STOP and do the honest inventory of how we run our lives.
WHO is running your life?
Is it really you or it is just an automatic set up of how you always do things?
How does that version of you show up every day?
How does she speak to herself?
How does she connect with her vision?
How does she bring herself back to staying the course of her goals and vision?
Does she flinch every time somebody doubts her dreams?
Does she pull back every time there’s a set back?
Or does she remember her vision no matter what the life brings?
Let’s get serious and playful at the same time
On 15th July we will get serious about those 2023 goals.
But not from the place of pushing ourselves and beating ourselves up for not moving fast enough.
We will step into the future version of ourselves and ask her for a clear guidance.
Because….. (we can’t repeat this enough)
It’s not about what and how!
It’s about WHO you are being when you are create your reality.
And let’s play, shall we?
Let’s enjoy the process of stepping into the future version of ourselves.
You’re going to walk out the workshop with unflinching knowing of how to reach your 2023 goals.
Let’s play a big game.
Let’s set the intention high.
We promise you will walk out of the workshop being 100% clear on
You will step into the energy of already having achieved your goals and we will create your tangible action plan from that amazing feeling of “anything is possible”.
Because it is.
Book your space
Don’t wait.
Book your place and spend a day with us in the quintessentially English manor surrounded by the lush summer garden.
Feed on the energy of other powerful humans who take a full responsibility for the results they create in this life and for
they are BEing when creating their results.
One thing’s for sure – you will be in a great company.
£200 per person including
one-day workshop
vegan lunch
afternoon snacks
coffee / tea all day
AND incredible experience of expansion.
Early Bird:
£180 per person if you book before 5th July
To book, send us an e-mail at [email protected]